Category Archives: Alchemical paintings

Amelia in the cavern

Because it’s been intemperately pouring with rain here in Southern California, lovely Amelia’s too wet to paint today unless I work around the figure and deal with the background. When the air is full of moisture paint takes much longer … Continue reading

Posted in Alchemical work, Amelia Earhart, Making work | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Temperance and Amelia – the dark

I painted and knifed an en grisaille layer for Amelia, who needs to have some rich dark shadows if the light effect is going to be effective. I worked some darkness into the shadows of the Temperance piece but I … Continue reading

Posted in Amelia Earhart, Making work, The Cardinal Virtues | Leave a comment

Amelia reaches for the light

I’ve been so busy with organizing the Halloween festival that painting has been moving quite slowly, but I did get to put the primer layer over the drawing of Amelia as she reaches for the light in the big painting. … Continue reading

Posted in Amelia Earhart, Making work | Leave a comment

Temperance gets another layer

Working fast, I added a layer of burnt sienna and a touch of ultramarine blue into the leather overcoat, a bit of grey onto the pants and shirt. Raw Sienna is the perfect base for blond hair, so I glazed … Continue reading

Posted in Amelia Earhart, Exhibits, Making work, The Cardinal Virtues | 2 Comments

Amelia reaches for the light

I worked late and produced this drawing for the new piece. I’m not sure quite where this interest in Amelia Earhart has come from, perhaps it started with my friend Fred Tonsing, who’s her nephew or something. I’ve been thinking … Continue reading

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Closing reception for The Principle

This Thursday evening at 7.00 pm (TOMORROW!) is the closing of the Principle exhibit. Please come to the Kwan Fong Gallery at CLU and join me for drinks and snacks. I’ve been completely delighted by the way the show has … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, As the crow flies, Exhibits | Leave a comment

Soft edges

I decided to make a brief post about painting the background of the Golden Bowl. It took quite a while, because there were a lot of fiddly bits that needed attention to soften the edges into each other. If you … Continue reading

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The Golden Bowl xv

In between preparing the canvases for the virtues I managed to get a layer of black onto the lower part of the painting, making a far darker composition which I like very much. The sky will get a layer of … Continue reading

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Back in the studio

We had a bit of a dramatic class this afternoon, when one of my students literally passed out in my arms. I think she stopped breathing for a few seconds but while trying to revive her and listen for her breath and … Continue reading

Posted in Golden bowl, Making work | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Temperance vii

Caitlyn’s coming over on Friday, so I should be getting serious about the painting next week. Keep an eye open here to watch the image develop. I will probably start work on Justice shortly too. The Golden Bowl is still … Continue reading

Posted in Falling off, Golden bowl, The Cardinal Virtues | Leave a comment