Bombers xvi


Putting a cobalt blue onto the grey sky really changed the nature of the painting, didn’t it. Next I’ll put a transparent layer of zinc or flake white over that blue to drop it back a bit. I’m not pleased with the quality of the surface at all, there are lots of bumps in the canvas there that I didn’t spot when I was preparing it. Letting the blue go into the mountains seems to have paid off, bringing them deeper into the background, while reworking the shadows, and adding some scraped on burnt sienna onto the sand is giving me some surface texture that I needed to find for the desert floor. I used a plasterers sponge with a rough top surface to give the paint a variable quality.

I added a layer of zinc white to the circle, and worked on the shadow of the white (ish) stones, then added white highlights to some of them to increase the sense of light coming from in front and to the left of the piece. Later I’ll need to add some blue into these stones somewhere to make them pop a bit.

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Here are a few tips for the lazy painter who really doesn’t like cleaning up and wants to save money.

Wash your brushes in hot soap and water, not turpentine, wash your hands at the same time. Great for your brushes, keeps them soft. DON’T USE TURPENTINE!

Better yet, don’t bother washing your brushes at all. As long as they are under water nothing’s going to happen to them anyway, so keep a flat metal tray with a half inch of water in it at all times, and let your brushes rest in it. I clean my brushes once a month these days. (In hot soap and water, not turps – so much better) I bought my enamel tray at the local 99 cent discount store for a buck.

Use Windsor and Newton’s Brush Restorer. Great product! it’s saved me hundreds of dollars in saved brushes that I have rescued from the students’ discards at the end of semester.

Never buy pre-made canvases. Paint on bits of plywood with canvas stretched onto them.

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Alchemy Conference

I thought this conference deserved a plug because it seems to be organized to a high standard. I’ll definitely be attending it. It’s the 2008 International Alchemy Conference October 10th – 12th, taking place in Las Vegas, which seems like an odd location for a conference of serious students of alchemy, but on the other hand it’s a place where the transmutation of gold seems to be working out pretty well for casino owners! Here are some of the advertised features:

  • Practicing Alchemists from 12 Countries

  • Reunion of Frater Albertus Graduates

  • Famous Authors, Consultants and Researchers

  • Lectures on All Aspects of Alchemy

  • Alchemy Students and Guild Members

  • Certification Workshop in Spagyrics

  • Reception and Lunches with Speakers

  • Free Entertainment and Prizes

  • Scores of Unique Vendors

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I’ve been horribly discombobulated all day, nothing going as planned, taking wrong turnings, forgetting things and getting all mixed up. Got home and remembered that today is full moon and a total eclipse. Go figure!

I should take it easy this weekend.

I dropped into the studio to take a look at the paintings and see what I need to grok in fullness before moving on. The As the Crow Flies painting looks good alongside the Geomantic Man. I must do some more work to the man to tidy him up a bit.


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Brand Dates

The Brand Library Gallery folks in Glendale e-mailed me today to confirm that the show there will be from May 16 through June 19, 2009. Please write it into your diaries!

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As the Crow Flies ix

I have the big golden Crow panel back in the studio, and I’m excited about doing more work to it. For a long time now I’ve imagined a swarm of crows all over a large wall, and I think perhaps the big painting can be the origin of the flock, as if the birds have escaped from the confines of the panel to spread onto the walls of the gallery. I have the piles of panels cut, so I think the next step will be to gild them, then paint a crow onto each one ready for the September event. Each panel will need to be gessoed, painted with a red bole (an undercoat for gilding, made from a very fine red clay) a mordant (the glue), then gilded and wired for hanging.

It’s a lot of work, but I think I can do it if I have help from some of my students. I want to have the new Bombers piece finished soon too, if I can, ready for the November Moorpark exhibit at Jean’s High Studio. 

I have most of the materials I need in stock, but I’ll need to get the mordant and wiring. 

I just heard from Bert that he can’t make it til next week to see what I’ve been up to, so I’ll have some time to prepare a little more thoroughly some of the panels for the Crow Flies installation. (I had the date mixed up last Tuesday, he was going to come over this week). I haven’t seen Bert for a while, it’s going to be good to see him again.

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The websites have been merged into one, as you can see. Hopefully everything has migrated properly into its correct place. I spent a short time re-organizing the hierarchy of categories and pages, both making better sense now. 

Enjoy looking around.

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Bombers xv

Now the sky is grey almost all the orange has disappeared, giving a clear idea of how the painting will end up. The sky will end up blue, so I added in some cobalt blue pigment into a grey mix, so when I put down the next layer it will pick up the blues that are already in the grey. The rocks are now richly white, with the burnt and raw sienna layers vibrating through the flake white I used for it’s slightly transparent quality, and they will pop even more when I get the shadows deeper on the sides that are away from the sun. I’m dying to get the shadows of the stones back onto the rocks. 


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A New Cabinet

Jake, Jillian and I went over to the camarillo campus of State University Channel Islands to take the remainder of the show down. It went smoothly and we were back in time for a touch more work on the painting. Here’s Jake picking up the last of the gravel, which has been bagged up and stored ready for its next outing when it will become part of the exhibit at the Kwan Fong.

Today Jake and Gillian were indispensible.

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Bombers xiv

Definitely over the hump as far as that bad patch went. I had a fun morning getting some shadows laid down, with a strong frontal light implied by the long shadows falling behind the figure and stones. It really has laid down the objects to the ground and gives a nice depth to the painting.

However, I also put down a layer of raw sienna to bring some gravelly colour into the grey surface of the ground, and will need to repaint those shadows again shortly. The raw sienna works nicely a a basis for more work on the rocks, which will get a white glaze again. I expect to rework the shadows between the stones again, particularly the sides that would be closest the the light source, so that the contrast of the shadow is intensified where it’s closest to the light.

You’ll notice that the hermit has had a substantial shave! I thought about hermit archetypes and reconsidered what my image of a contemporary hermit would be. I decided to go for a more military appearance, reflecting the ascetic discipline of the hermit, not the “wild man” aspects of the type.

He reminds me a little of Edward Norton, the actor in American History X. I still have to get that face right.

The colour of the painting has gone a bit psychedelic again. This will settle down as the painting gets more layers added to it, but putting down these strata is really important as I build up the texture of the surfaces. When I scrape these rich layers with a knife later I’ll uncover some lovely rich colours that will make the finished surface vibrate.

I’ll have to get the shadows back in tomorrow, because I ragged quite a lot of them away when I was busy with the raw sienna layer, which was first painted, then mostly removed with a rag, giving me a crunchy texture to the paint. Having seen them and having the guides left after the rag work I did with the raw sienna is enough for today. The painting’s taking shape nicely.

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