
img_8741.jpgThe new exhibit is in the gallery, looking good. This has kept us pretty busy at the University for the week! Last touches today, putting the labels on each piece and getting the brochures from the printer, then picking up the food for the reception this afternoon. It’s a good show, with lots of variety to keep people interested.

Here’s the info from the CLU website. There are tons of pictures of this and other shows on the Gallery’s website too. (Including some of my work, along with that cool slideshow the web design guys here made)

The gallery’s on Facebook now, by the way. Joining the fan group is a great way to keep up with what’s happening.


Assemblage Exhibit

February 7 – March 8, 2009


Location: Kwan Fong Gallery

Event Description

Imagine a world in which art creates itself from the movements of random objects joining themselves together into new and fascinating organizations and structures – where the ordinary becomes amazing because of unexpected combinations and arrangements. The Assemblage exhibit gives us a delightful view into the mysterious world of re-invention and reconstruction under the hands of Southern California artists Bob Privitt, Leslie McQuaide, Gary Raymond and CLU art professor Larkin Higgins.

Admission is free. An opening reception will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7.


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img_8733.jpgI completed the ballet shoes this morning by adding a touch of blue into the medium value areas to complement the otherwise very warm pallette, then painting over the bright gold leaf with a glaze of burnt sienna. I delivered the finished piece (still wet) to Laurie (the Academy administrator) tonight when I dropped of my daughter for her class. Lots of excitement greeted the painting, which was very encouraging indeed. I wonder how much it will raise at auction? I’m really happy to help the Ballet Academy, which is very serious about training their students to the highest standards.

We loaded in most of the work for the Assemblage exhibit that opens in my gallery at the University on Friday at 7.00pm. I’m going to pick up some delicious munchies for the event, and I’m looking forward to a good turnout.

I drove to Santa Barbara to see how the building of the tree for the theatre piece is going. The Technical Director, Lukas, has shaped the first piece of steel for the tree, which I imagine as a drawing in the air. I’m pretty happy, and now he knows how to make one branch the rest will follow quickly. I hope to see the whole of the basic tree structure by Friday.


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Pointe it out…

img_8729.jpgI’ve fixed up the gold leaf bordering the slippers and rendered an en grisaille layer. They already appear to be pink because the gold leaf sits over a carmine red gesso, so when I sanded the area I thought the slippers would fit into the red came up strongly, showing through the zinc white I put on next. The next layer will be a peachy white, probably using a titanium white, that will be denser and closer to the right soft pinky peach of the pointe shoes.

I’d like to add a few other trompe l’oeil objects into the image like post it notes, or a moth, but realistically I don’t think I have time. Nevertheless this has been fun to make, and hopefully it will make some money for the Ballet Academy.

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Ballet and administration

I’ve been deeply buried in paperwork for the last few days, completely missing Imbolc and Bridget’s day – Candlemas passed almost unnoticed and I spent the time worrying about getting all sorts of information together for my tenure review package which had to be submitted today (Monday – not Tuesday as the date over there shows.)

I was asked to come up with a painting for an auction to raise money for my daughter’s ballet school, so I’m under the gun to quickly produce a ballet oriented work for them. I love ballet and my daughter benefits so much from practicing the formal grace of ballet, so this one’s a pleasure to do. I like the contrast of the beat up shoes the dancers all wear with the delicacy and control of the movements they make, so I decided to paint a pair of old pointe shoes. As the work gets closer to completion tomorrow I’ll post a photo – it’s a quick wet on wet work, over a gilded panel.

I’m really looking forward to spending the day in the studio tomorrow, missing three days is just killing me.

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I’ve been pretty busy with classes and administration of the department today, so there wasn’t much time for studio work, but I have managed to put a primer coat of Burnt Sienna over the initial drawing of the pregnant nude. I’m starting work on this even though the composition is incomplete so that I can use the time with Christine in the studio as wisely as possible. I think there will be a man on the left side, perhaps in admiration or adoration of the pregnancy, perhaps in a state of meditation. 

In alchemical symbolism pregnancy is used to illustrate the passing of time – some texts say that nine months is the length of time it takes for the creation of the elixir, and the stone.


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img_8704.jpgThe female figure has been completely drawn, so I used a little Prussian Blue to line it out so that when I prime the panel it will be easily visible under the Burnt Sienna. I also started to think about the composition of the painting more thoroughly, drawing some parallel lines across it. I’m fairly happy with the way she’s going, and I’m considering adding a male figure on the right hand side to balance her out and add a little drama to the piece. 

img_8703.jpgI also did a little repair work to the dark blue background of Justice where she was scratched when I sanded down the gesso prior to gilding the sphere. The lower bottle got a coat of pale blue as the beginning of its becoming silver. Eventually the upper bottle will be gold – it’s the alchemical process of silver and gold combining to create the essence, or the balance between heaven and earth, if you like.

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img_8700.jpgI was able to get started drawing Christine today, and I’m really enjoying getting this image down onto canvas – right now this is a graphite sketch, not quite complete. I’m teaching Life drawing and painting on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I’m a firm believer in showing the students what I do when I’m painting, so when I can I’ll work with them. It’s harder at the beginning of the semester than at the end because I need to help them much more, but I think they benefit greatly from seeing that I’m doing what I teach them, it’s not made up! I also screw up my work sometimes, and I think it’s encouraging for them to see that I’m perfectly capable of making as much, if not more of a mess as they are.

Although it’s a pretty rough sketch at present I really like this image of Christine looking down at her unborn baby. It reminds me of when my kids were born, full of potential. Wonderful, what a moment! It’s going to turn into a lovely painting.

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img_8679.jpg  img_8678.jpg

I’ve learned how to upload images in a workaround way, so here’s the state of Justice and Temperance prior to gilding them, and below, the process of adding the red clay undercoat, then temperance with the leaf applied.

img_8699.jpg  img_8698.jpgYou can see where the sanding of the gesso layer has damaged the dark Prussian blue background, so I’ll put down another layer to clean that up, then after a little work on the hands and the bottles, the addition of some scales and some work on Justice’s sword, this pair will be complete!

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I’ve gilded the spheres that Justice and Temperance stand upon, and they look great. I still can’t get photos posted to the site, and that’s frustrating, but I’m hoping that it will be fixed very soon. Technology is so great when it works properly, and so insanely frustrating when it doesn’t. I think the gold is a little too bright as it stands in its raw state, particularly in the case of the Temperance piece, so I’m tempted to glaze about the edges of it to drop them back into the background. I’m much less concerned about Justice with the balance of value being on the light side anyway, so I’ll probably let that one be.

I’m looking forward to painting and drawing tomorrow with my friend and colleague Terry Spehar-Fahey. She’s going to visit my life classes so that she can spend some time working from the model. I really admire the way she works, she’s very fast, producing wonderful likenesses using a “wet on wet” technique.

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In the studio

What a great day. I love my job! It was the first day of life drawing and life painting class today, with my new model (Christine) who arrived in class ready to work and quite pregnant. What a luxury it is to be able to paint and draw a pregnant woman. She did a great job too, in spite of an recalcitrant air conditioner in the drawing studio. My students were all great, working hard to learn about the proportion of the body and the joys of Vitruvius and Leonardo’s famous drawing of the Vitruvian man. In both classes most of the students had some classroom experience of drawing technique, so they jumped straight into the work. I asked the Christine if she would pose as Eve for the tall panels, she said she would, so I’d better get started figuring out what this is going to look like. I’d also like to get her and her husband to model for a round painting I have in mind.

I’ve abandoned the Indian lady project for a while, and I need to pick that up, so I’m looking out for the right model for the piece. 

I shot reference photos for Strength at last, managing to catch Jen at lunchtime. I’ll have to work out what the beast looks like later, but I’m thinking that it’s something between a hyena, a man and a lion. I’ll get started on that pretty soon.

The spheres the virtues are standing on got a lick of red bole for leafing later. I’ll put on a couple more coats this evening, then gild them tomorrow.

Not being able to post photos is horrid, but it’s going to be working again by the weekend, so I’ll be sure to put plenty onto the site then.

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