Sticks and stones

I’m working on getting these hands right, and moving over to the lad on the right side of the painting. It’s been surprisingly humid here this past few days, so the paint is taking a long time to dry, narrowing the areas of opportunity to improve the piece. I may have to move back to the skeleton while this one settles down.

img_9255When areas of a painting are wet and inaccessible there is a particularly handy trick to allow a painter to get over them and continue working: a simple maul stick, which is held in the left hand and rested against a side of the canvas so that the right hand can lean against its shaft without touching the surface of the painting. You can buy them in the store, or save your money and get a short dowel rod for next to nothing, then tape a rag over the end of it. I’ve had mine for at least fifteen years, made from a piece of half round dowel that was lying around the wood-shop and half an old sock, wrapped up in that blue paper masking tape. It cost nothing to make – a pretty good investment in such a useful tool. I like to paint on canvas that’s been stretched over a wood panel, so I get to put the end of the stick anywhere that doesn’t have any wet paint on it, but on the bigger canvases you have to lean against the stretcher bar edges, or risk pushing the canvas, causing dents.

Even with the help of the maul stick I was unable to proceed any further with the boys, so I moved down to the blackened ground, where I needed to define some features of the broken and lumpy earth.

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Clearing the Sun

img_9009I thought I would add a little to the previous post by commenting that the hair on the boy on the left is grey now so that it can become blonde later – in the next layer I’ll put some semi-transparent raw sienna over what you see here to produce a pretty convincing mop of hair. I want to make one boy blonde and the other dark, emphasizing the two differing aspects of salt and sulphur generated from the nigredo. Although the two are generated from the same material, they are subtly opposed, hence the dark and light of their towels, blonde and dark hair, black and white pillars (Boaz and Jachin).

He needs a little more work on his features, which are not yet perfect, but restraint is important. With the recently completed painting of Temperance leaning against the wall behind me to remind me of the virtue of moderation I’d be foolish to indulge my desire for completing the image when attempting to work over what I’ve achieved here probably would cause more injury to his face than if I wait until the surface is dry and invulnerable. By waiting a time with patience for the paint to dry I gain the freedom to mess up later as much as I like and still be able to correct errors without losing this worthwhile work.

Lots of work to do – hands everywhere!

Posted in Alchemical work, Making work, Tarot-related paintings | 2 Comments

Sun son

img_9008Back in the studio at last, working on the face of my son, who is both of the twins in this painting. I like to redefine the features of the face and hands at least twice during the process of making a painting – this is the second drawing of this face in the process of making this piece, and it’s coming along nicely. There’s lots of work to do here though, no rest for the wicked. It’s good to be able to compare the quality of this face to the earlier loose rendering that the right hand twin had.

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We had a very successful opening reception last night at the gallery, celebrating the work of Murray and Megan McMillan, who have been resident artists at CLU for a couple of weeks. A very nice crowd showed up for the lecture, then enjoyed food and drinks in the gallery where we were able to watch the video and take a lamp from the piece itself. I’m beat!

I made it into the studio this evening and laid down some black paint into the background of the Death card and the foreground of the Sun, where the alchemical twins have emerged from the nigredo.

Photos by Eric Hagen:

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I feel a little foolish posting the second picture, because it represents so little actual painting work, but quite a lot of investigation into the background of Temperance in the renaissance symbolism that lies behind the tarot cards of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. I was interested in the astrological correspondences alluded to by hermetic writers, finding that Justice is often compared to Libra – the scales – so I started digging into the potential relationships to the heavens that were associated with Temperance. Obviously the water bearing characters of Greek mythology caught the attention of renaissance writers, particularly the tale of Ganymede, the beautiful young man who caught the attention of Zeus, who stole him away to heaven and immortality as the water bearer to the gods. Having already decided that there needed to be something above her head I dug up a picture of Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter named for the immortal youth, forever orbiting about the ruler of the heavens.

In the first shot you’ll notice that I altered the shape of the moon, because I realized that it couldn’t possibly be a crescent facing the sun, so instead I went for a nice full face. I changed the little alchemical symbols on the bottles so that they more truly followed the lines of the curve of the ellipse, and I darkened the colour of the upper bottle with some of the Graham’s Burnt Sienna. I really like this pigment, because it’s a natural earth, not a synthetic. The synthetic burnt siennas are fantastic transparent iron oxides – magical paints in their own right, but not a real-deal earthy semi-opaque burnt sienna. Hats off to Art Graham paints once again. I love them. (Where’s my cheque?) 


With Justice and Temperance completed, two down, twenty to go.

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Complete Justice

I had a little window of opportunity to fill this afternoon, so while Death dried behind me I set to work putting the finishing details onto Justice, including a delicate balance suspended from her hand. I decided to make a very finely weighted system of spheres instead of the more conventional scales because I am interested in expressing the idea of cosmic balance here. The fine line that comes from the heavens piercing her raised palm matches that which suspends the balanced spheres, suggesting that justice is an issue of vertical balance as well as horizontal balance, with the universal value above weighed with the human balance of dualities below. Of course the pierced hands and feet allude to the stigmata of the avatar Christ, whose mystical redemptive qualities express the heart of  divine Justice, that although we fall short of the divine despite our desire for union with the deity, the divine can come to us and allow us access to it.

On her lapel I added a discrete pentagram, both as a reference to the stigmata and to the Pythagorean understanding of the number five, which includes the extraordinary ratio 1 : 1.62 upon each of the lines making up the symbol at their intersections. This “divine ratio” was thought of as one of the fingerprints of God on the universe by followers of Pythagoras, who were awed by the grace of the spirals created by its geometry, the relationship it has to the Fibonacci series, and its frequent appearance in nature, both on a cosmic scale (even galaxies conform to the ratio) and an earthly scale (shells, sunflowers, artichokes…). Incidentally,  the balance  and the horizon line are both upon the line of 1 : 1.62.

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img_89721  img_8970Here’s the complete first layer of the bone man. I did a bit of research on scythes, being uncertain of the appearance of those  found in the old cards because I remember using one when I was a kid mowing the long grass in the field behind our house, and being scared of the size and sharpness of the curving blade. I found that actually there are straight handled scythes and “S” handled scythes, so the image in the Marseille deck turned out to be somewhat correct after all.

Curiously, the Marseille deck skeleton lacks a foot, which is a peculiar inconsistency that doesn’t show up in any of my other decks.

Posted in Alchemical work, Making work, Tarot-related paintings | 1 Comment


img_8969I haven’t painted a complete skeleton for a very long time – I think since I was a student at Swindon College of Art and Design in 1983, which seems a ridiculously long time ago – so working on the Death card is an exciting and rewarding  challenge. My Drawing students will understand the intimidation I felt when I began this, because accurately rendering the bone structure of the human body is a seriously complex piece of work, particularly the rib cage, which is a multi-layered inter-connected three dimensional nightmare to get right. Persistence! The skull has challenges of its own, but these can be surmounted by careful observation.

I relishing painting the white against black, finding good greys simply by using the  white on the brush as a scrubbed out layer, thin over the existing background. Where it’s denser Zinc white pops forward as a bright highlight. I’m enjoying the antique feel of the sanded dark canvas and I’ll do what I can to preserve some of this on the earth foreground of the piece. 

Only one layer so far, I’ll be getting more detail into the bones during the week, and cursing about painting the teeth, no doubt. I hope to have the first layer of the whole skeleton painted by Sunday evening, then proceed on to figuring out the background landscape and body parts that accompany the reaper. He reminds me of all those metal albums we used to listen to.

In alchemy Death is yet another symbol of the nigredo, with the king and queens’ decapitated heads lying upon the blackened ground before the scythe of the reaper, prior to their cleansing in the mercurial dew and emergence as the purified Salt and Sulphur (remember the Sun card?).

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Tarot Death, Renaissance emblem book

After dealing with administrative stuff there’s nothing better than getting into the studio and working on something creative. The administrative work is totally necessary if we’re going to improve the art department at the university, and I enjoy seeing projects come to their conclusion if the facilities we use are somehow expanded, or our students benefit from the work in some way, but I would much prefer to spend my time in the studio. So having spent the morning in a long but important meeting I was really happy to get into working on the cards. Heather helped me to set up the skeleton for the Death card, tying string to the ceiling and rigging a temporary backdrop on a couple of easels. He looked a bit like a guitar hero skeleton, which made us chuckle. He ended up looking great - I think he’ll be next to make it to canvas.

I found some time last night and this afternoon to dig into a really interesting little book, Alciato’s Book of Emblems, which started a centuries long trend of production of books like it, offering little illustrations supported by poetic epigrams. Some of the emblems are very reminiscent of tarot card symbolism, like this one of the Moon:

Emblem 165

Futile effort

A dog gazes at the moon by night, as if at a mirror. And seeing himself, he believes another dog is in the moon. So he barks; but his ineffectual voice is carried away in vain by the winds, and Diana pursues her course without hearing.

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Mineral alchemy

I got back to the lab today, after quite a long break, spending a very pleasant hour with my friend John Tannacci, who  helped me to begin heating the ground up sandstone from the Red Rock Canyon in an electric heater that quickly got the material red hot. Following the advice of an alchemist friend we dumped the stone into distilled water, rapidly cooling it. We saw blackness within the material, then it returned to a slightly darker shade of its original brick red colour. 

In the photo, shot by John moments after I began pouring the stone into the water – it’s the second shot he took because his first one was completely wobbly, as it was such a total surprise to us that the material would be glowing red hot at the bottom of the heating unit. Awesome!

After the material has dried we will repeat this heating and cooling process until it has blackened completely- the alchemical nigredo.


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