After a busy weekend I got back to the studio today revitalized and ready to paint. I really want to get Chris’s raven piece completed, but the elements are not co-operating, because it’s so damp here that nothing is drying as quickly as it usually does in the California dry air. We’re getting rained on and periodically hailed on, which is great for the land and irritating for studio painting. I expect these pieces to take several days to dry now I’ve put the birds onto them. The sizes are deceptive in the picture, the smallest are 6″ square. Looking good! I have yet to paint the acacia tree from which the birds are flying.
I must confess to being preoccupied with traveling back and forth to Santa Barbara to visit Stessa there. In addition, it’s difficult to reconcile the desire to dispose of material with my constant need to produce material objects as an outcome to the spiritual exploration I’m on and this is keeping my mind busy at present. I’d like to know for sure that the work produces a mystical outcome for some of the people who see it, that would justify the materiality of the product, but this is seldom an event I get to participate in.Â