
IMG_0596I’ve been developing the shadows of the skull and shoulders, defining the shapes of the bones and fixing the more glaring errors. It’s a little slow, but I feel the need to get detail down and make this a rather careful painting, probably for the same reason that I had for getting the reaper right for the tarot card version – my medical family wouldn’t let me get away with it if it doesn’t meet their anatomical standard! The photo looks a little dark here but you can see how the definition is coming to the figure. I’m interested in how the wings will work with the shadowed bones of the skeleton, and I will need to add the sky between the ribs, with a transition to the white feathers somewhere half way down his back.

There’s a pretty big photo behind the thumbnail you see here.

It feels good to get some time in the studio again, it’s been too long – it’s not that I’ve wasted time, because the week since returning from camping has been important for my kids to start feeling at home in the new house. I enjoyed getting up onto the platform and surveying the painting after a while away from it, then making effective changes to it.

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Exhibit at the Kwan Fong

I’ve returned to working in the studio after a long and productive weekend putting together the reception for Bob Privitt’s exhibit in the gallery at CLU. He’s an interesting artist who makes assembled and constructed display boxes from metal and bits and pieces from thrift stores, not unlike Joseph Cornell’s work. I like the show very much – some pieces are whimsical, while others are bitingly acidic.

The kids have been helping me with building a home for the chickens to live in in our new back yard and doing a great job. Some of my wood seems to have migrated into the branches of the olive tree and become a tree house…

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Back in business

I’ve been up in the sierras camping with my son near Lake Isabella, amongst the redwoods and pines, catching trout during the day and hiking up mountains in the early morning to watch the dawn sun emerge over high ridge lines. We slept beneath infinite stars floating in the gentle embrace of the Milky Way, watching the steady journey of satellites tracking between the dark outlines of pines, and  listening to hooting owls hunting sleepy snakes. 

Today I’m back into the studio where I’m teaching my students the pleasure of gold leaf and iconography, and finding my way back into the angel of death. I’ll get back into my daily routine of work more stably now, with three projects on the move at once: the angels, the Sun card and the Fortitude card.

Today – getting some more detail into the skull of the angel himself.

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First layer down, bones ongoing

In between hanging doors and moving endless quantities of books, a really great house warming party and taking a very nice group of students to the Getty to visit the extraordinary collections of icons that hang there, I have actually been working on the painting too! Here he is, with an almost complete first layer of paint over the entire panel, and a bit of detail work on the face of the angel himself. (The value is too dark in the shadows right now, and I will lighten it up with a layer of  lovely transparent Zinc white – one of the great secrets of oil painting!)

The web’s not working in the studio, which is a bit of a pain, so I’ve missed posting a stage that I would have liked to have shown, prior to the first layer of the sky getting blocked in, but it doesn’t add a huge amount to the process, so not to worry. Details now! 

Next weekend I’m going to meet Lama Pema Tendzin again, to learn mandala painting techniques from him in a workshop. Can’t wait! Having finished my Sun God painting at last I think I’d enjoy applying mandala techniques to another large piece similar to it.

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IMG_0232In between renting trucks and moving furniture from Santa Barbara to Thousand Oaks I managed to sketch in another half dozen of these skulls, bringing the first layer closer to completion. I think it will take another hour of work to complete the skulls, then I’d like to move into the background and sky right off the bat, so I can get some sense of the balance of the painting. 

I can’t quite believe that the house looks as great as it does – THANK YOU!

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All in a days work.

Run run run.

All I’ve done today is hurry from one appointment to the next, starting with archery with my son and his scout troop this morning, on to the afternoon getting my daughter to a party, then to pick up a cabinet for the house, then to an opening reception at a local gallery, and at last back to the studio, where I’m preparing to take pictures of the three ghostly and angelic witches from the university production of Macbeth, which I enjoyed last weekend, particularly the appearance of these three weird sisters clad from head to toe in white, including their hair. They’re held up with the pre-show work right now, so I have a short time spare to put this entry down (curious, there’s no typing equivalent for “scribble” – perhaps “tybble” would work?)

Yesterday was incredibly frustrating, as I hoped to get to the studio in the early morning, but was beset by people coming to the house for garden stuff, fixing things, locating doors and so on, then in the afternoon I was completely tied up getting copy and photos for the winter season at the gallery to our brochure editor, finally getting away from my desk at 7.00, far too late to start work on the painting after that day. Bah. This is not okay. At least I’ll get to shoot more photos this evening, potentially useful for the angels and devils works.

Tonight I’m going to get a fridge.

Tomorrow I ought to be able to get back to work. My fingers are crossed.

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Skulls and the house

IMG_0019Moving into the house is keeping me busy, as I find endless distractions and needs that must be attended to. I’m pretty happy with the kitchen now, which really matters as the heart of the house, and I’ve been enjoying having friends over to see the place.

But now it’s time to get back into the studio and get serious about these skulls and the skeleton, not to mention that I’ll shoot more photos of Sarah for another card tomorrow. This time she and one of my new students, Tucker, are going to pose together for The Lover.

I’ve roughed in several more skulls, slowly knocking out the complex structures that the skeleton will stand on. Half way there! It’s really not difficult work at this stage, being such a simplified version of the bones.

IMG_0017I‘ve been looking through the piles of paintings that lean against the studio wall, finding two pieces that I’m really not satisfied with. I think I stopped too soon with the image of Amelia reaching for the ball of light, and plan to put her within a background. Initially I’d seen the action of the painting taking place in a cavern, but this idea has shifted into a clearing in the forest, with trees in the background lit by the ball, and silhouette branches framing the scene. The other piece is the nymph painting here, companion of the Ophelia-like painting A Girl Swimming. In this case I think that I really need to add water lilies in the upper left corner of the piece, giving the composition some depth and placing the girls more clearly under the water.

I need to be careful not to take on too many projects, or I won’t be able to complete the big pieces. My priorities have to be getting the angel pieces done.

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I’m struggling to find time to paint while getting the house straight and prepare for summer school starting again tomorrow morning (I’m teaching beginning drawing and beginning painting), but I got to spend a bit of time on the studio this morning, and now I’m finally  in again this evening, after various problems, not least that I’m getting a summer cold and starting to feel crummy. Meh! (Wah wah wah…) Hot lemon and honey for me, then an early night.


It’s clear that this layer will be amended as I build toward the finished arrangement of skulls, what I’m doing is building a very general first look at the areas of light and shadow, breaking them down into quite simple pieces of the whole, using fingers and rag to lift white paint away from the black undercoat. Usually painters will use this technique – imaginatively known as “wipe-out” – to bring light areas up, but in this case I’m pulling shadows from the white by revealing more or less of the black undercoat.

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New home

I’m mostly moved into my new place, which was pretty easy because apart from paintings and drawings I don’t own much except kitchen stuff and camping gear. The house is lovely – really cool even when it’s hot outside, a nice sized back yard and an attic, double garage and plenty of space. I feel very fortunate to have it. 

I got back to the studio today and sketched in the first layer of four of the twenty five skulls. Tomorrow I hope to get some more done, in between more trips back and forth to bring stuff from the studio to the house. I’m going to hang some of my ravens in the hallway.

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IMG_0002  IMG_0001I’ve been working in the lab again to finish up the distillation of the oak leaves. To pull the essence of the leaves from the alcohol we set up a condensing chamber which evaporated the heated steam of the alcohol and let it drip into a flask. leaving the oils behind  because they will boil at a higher temperature. While getting the temperature stable I was struck by the “tears” of condensation in the tower as the liquid crept across the glass, very pretty.

These tears correspond to the Sun and the Moon, where the upward motion of the drops in the moon may indicate separation, while the downward motion in the Sun might indicate reflux.

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