Reworked Leather

The more time I spent looking at the painting the more I realized how many things were not well finished, so I began repainting substantial portions of the work in white and brown to make it ready for glazing. The left photo shows the repainted chest and neck with a second layer of painting en grisaille that has brought the hair still further to the right, correcting an overly wide neck and beginning to place the sinews in the right locations, although a little more editing will be necessary to get everything properly balanced. I’ve given her her missing hand, positioned almost as if she’s a gunfighter ready to draw from the hip.

The pants are half way done and clearly need further work to correct them, because presently poor Amelia lacks a backside.

In the second picture the leather has been reworked to give her forearm some shape, which it lacked before; I’ve also added highlights and shadows to the shoulder and the cuff of the sleeve, and reworked the hair with highlights and additional detail. When the leather and hair have been re-glazed I believe this alteration will pay off by giving Amelia a more dynamic action in her arm.

About pearce

Michael Pearce is an artist, writer, and professor of art. He is the author of "Art in the Age of Emergence."
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