I had a very pleasant day with my kids looking for Christmas presents for their sister Brittany. Did you know that Christmas is celebrated on the day after the standstill of the sun around the winter solstice? Solstice is on the 21st December, with the standstill lasting for three days either side. On the 25th the sun begins moving up the horizon again, truly a cause for celebration as it means the days are getting longer and Spring is coming.
I think I have this figured out now. A while ago I made a circular piece with a second circle inside it, that I used as a base for the grails to sit on in the last show. It looks very good, with a soft transition from the central white circle to the darker burnt sienna outer circle. I’ll try this later today on the orb, which I added some orange to earlier. Under a layer of the semi-transparent zinc white I think this will work well.
The orb dominates
Working at getting the orb right has been challenging, but I think I finally have it on the track. I painted out nearly all of the outer circle of white, which simply wasn’t working because it was just too big, dominating the painting too much. Now it’s reduced down to a far smaller circle which I added some orange to, planning to add a glaze of white over the orange later. I’m going to try an inner circle of white so I get the same effect as the earlier version at a smaller scale. The outer circle survived in a lesser form as a halo about the inner circle, so the work wasn’t wasted – I really like the halo. A drawback to this experimentation has been that I will need to almost completely repaint the hand, which suffered a bit under the glazes.
A truck pulled up outside the studio and unloaded twenty tons of snow into the courtyard so that the students could play in it. When it all quietens down out there I’ll go and visit it.Â
I wonder how the reflux is going. I’ll not be able to see the results until Monday afternoon.
Reflux – distilling the canyon
I went to the lab and met Dr. Tanacci this morning so I could learn how to safely set up the reflux tower for producing the essence of the sage brush from Red Rock Canyon. This was very simple, and I think it can be done in a small space without much trouble as long as there’s a nearby water supply and the right equipment. I need to look into the process for mineral work to get the oils from the stone. There will a much much smaller quantity of material to recover from it, I’m sure, perhaps as little as a few drops.
I returned to the lab later to observe how the macerate is boiling and re-condensing in the tube, just to get familiar with it. The alcohol evaporates about a third of the way up the tower, then drips back down into the flask.
1. I’m filling the flask half way up with the ground up sage-brush sticks.
2. John checks my work.
3. The apparatus. Reflux tower on top, attached to a flow of water that condenses the steam of the alcohol, which drips down into the flask to continue boiling. The round white thing on the bottom is a heater which makes no flame, so there’s no fire risk.
4. The alcohol soaked sage.
5. Boiling – you can see that the hot alcohol is already pulling out the reddish oils from inside the broken down material.
This is very elementary chemistry these days, I’m sure, but imagine being one of the alchemists who worked on developing the glassware that they needed to do their distillations, learning as they went and making extraordinary discoveries that would transform our lives.
For me, I’m very interested in the distillation of the essences of places as a means of capturing something of the place itself in a form different to the usual modality of snapshot-taking. I want to get deeper under the skin of a place, so to distill the essential oils of the plants, the earth, or the rock itself gives me a way to explore that, concentrating the smell, the sensual qualities of the location into an elixir.
Anniversary approaches…
December 18th will be the first anniversary of this blog! Hard to believe that it’s nearly been a year. It’s been a great exercise for me, requiring me to think about what I’ve done each day and sort through it to make sense of the process. I think most days it’s been a cathartic experience that helps to put things to bed and allows my brain to switch off when I’ve written and posted a picture. The pictures have become very important as the blog has increasingly focused on the process of making the paintings, but also as illustrations of daily events. I hope that my students learn from seeing the paintings’ development, and I hope everyone who visits enjoys getting a glance into the life of a studio artist. Thanks for coming! (Keep coming!)
This week has been tiring. I caught a cold, so I don’t feel exactly 100%, and driving down from San Francisco beat me up pretty well. BUT, I’m running most mornings and eating much more healthy sized meals, far smaller than I used to, about a quarter of the portions I used to eat, so I feel far fitter than I used to and I’m losing weight. Rich Brimer and I have a bet that we can beat each other to our target weight. I’m heading for 185 lbs, and he’s shooting for 195. I think I’m ahead right now. The victor gets a bottle of absinthe or single malt scotch from the loser.Â
My laptop computer crapped out, both hinges breaking so the screen flapped about. Thank God for the Mac IT support at the University – our Mac guys Amir and Jeff are incredibly helpful and they fixed it up quickly, so now I have no excuse for not getting on with painting Justice’s face and hands today. They think they can rig a monitor up to hang vertically on a stand so that I can hook up the laptop to it instead of turning the computer sideways and putting too much pressure on the hinges. (The horizontal screen isn’t tall enough for a face). This will be fantastic. No more printing pictures, simply plug in, zoom in and paint with the reference right there!
The orb
The orb is growing.It looks really bright and white at the moment, but it’s about to get it’s blue layer which will drop it right back again. I’m going to try a golden center around the flame, then blue over the large circle. Once that’s dry I’ll put in another layer of zinc white over the blue so that the ball of light has a front and back. Amelia’s hand will end up behind that layer, so there’s some dimension to the ball, and I’ll have to figure out how to negotiate the part of the surface where her hand is passing through the light toward the centre.
Darkness and Light
Now working on the light is beginning to really pay off. A black glaze over the background ragged off at the boundaries of a circle about the glowing orb has made the composition start to take more dramatic shape. The orb will get a blue glaze to drop it back a little, and there’s some shadow work to do on Amelia’s right side. I want to pick out the flame from the orb and I’ve really got to get on with doing the feet – she’s still floating! I must get her to stand on the ground.
I’m making arrangements to get Sean’s exhibit out of the gallery, and to get the next show in. Ceramics this time, by Kathy Wagonner, whose work I admire. We’ll hold an opening reception for her in a week after this Saturday, at 7.00pm, if you’re able to come to the University.
Amelia in the dark
I added a glaze of black to the background, thoroughly darkening the sky and landscape, and making considerably more sense of the lighting at last. I added some Cadmium Yellow and some Naples yellow to the flame, then as highlights on the rocks, the head, and Amelia.Â
I can already hear voices of protest in defense of the beautiful blue of the sky!
Sorry, folks…
Hairs Temperance
I enjoyed getting the Raw Sienna into the hair, using some Prussian Blue to counter the yellowness of the pigment. I ragged some of that blue onto the wings while I was at it, and I beginning to see how these will work, with soft layers of whites, creams and blues to create a feathery quality. Some subtle definition of the shapes of the feathers would pay off.
Her face is looking good, except for a little buggy-eyed-ness that I must attend to later.
I returned to the studio to find that things are vastly improved here: not only do we now have wireless internet up and running, but the studio is nice and warm, thanks to the new air conditioning unit that was just installed. It makes a huge difference! I am so grateful to the people who did the installation of both.Â
Ventura County Government Center Exhibit
Rather late announcing this one – One of my paintings will be in a show at the Ventura County Government Center as of Wednesday. This is great, because thousands of people pass through the government center daily, and I know there will be some good exposure there.