Fundamental truths

I got the right side wing done today, so both sides now have their third layer of paint. The layers are building increasingly substantial body to the wings that I can exploit later when I bring detail to individual feathers. 

I’m thinking hard about fundamental truths for studio artists these days, and I think I’ll try a few of these ideas out here in the course of the next week, so please give me feedback as you see these passages appear. On my mind: Postmodern reduction has gone as far as it can, resulting in the endless repetition of the same anti-art ideas. At this time, can we establish some truths for studio artists that will offer us a solid foundation upon which to build for the future? I ask this because truth has become relative and immaterial. What are our fundamental truths?

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Phone shot

ATT00001Here’s a front view of the paintings taken with my phone, so the quality’s pretty poor, but it gives you the general idea. I’ve been chuckling about how much it looks as if Death is trying to catch the goose!

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White wing

IMG_0733The left wing is taking shape now, with another layer of white over the brown texture layer, beginning to define the shapes of the feather layers and bring some depth to the surface. Ultimately I expect to put some blue over this work which curiously will probably work to make it seem whiter. The goose is working out beautifully as a model, helping me to understand the structure of the wings and with the layering and shape of the feathers. I’ve collected feathers of the local hawks for reference too, and I think I’ll add their patterns on the surface to make Death appear a little more predatory.

This was a real pleasure to work on, because I had the company of Paul and Stessa in the studio, Paul working on a splendid head, while Stessa painted. We had a great time singing along with Talking Heads albums that we had all grown up with. Retro eighties alternative music in the studio!


“And you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here…?”

Posted in Angel, Making work | 2 Comments

Between Life and Death

I started laying out the construction of the painting that comes after the Angel of Death: In between death and birth. I see the painting as a male and female couple within a circle at centre of the canvas, curled about each other in a yin yang arrangement. In the painting the symbol will be suggested by the arrangement of the bodies within the circle, but I doubt it will actually be  rendered as a design element. I think I’ll need a small paddling pool, or at least a chalked circle on the ground, and I’ll need to get up high on a ladder in order to shoot down to create pictures for reference.

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Leathery wings

IMG_0713At last the base of both wings is down, but I lack the feathers between the skeleton’s legs. I’m particularly happy with the texture of the paint in this layer, because I know it’s going to give me a rich base upon which to place the feathers asI work to define them. The studio is impressively chaotic these days because we have two painting classes and a life painting class all crammed into the space, making it a hive of activity.

Paul Lucchesi is here, staying at my house while he’s the resident sculptor at the University gallery. He’s a terrific guest, because apart from being a fabulous sculptor he’s also an excellent Italian chef, so I’m doubly blessed to have great conversation and good food with him on a regular basis for a month. Life is good!

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Wing base

I’ve done a base layer of Van Dyke Brown to the left wing, wiping it to make a soft feathery base which will become more defined as I put more detail into the surface.

It’s looking  a bit leathery and bat-like at present, which is enjoyable, but gives him an overly demonic appearance, which isn’t really what I want for him, preferring to present death as a fear-inspiring natural force of change that should be expected, but not as something necessarily evil. I was chatting with my colleague Dru Pagliassotti about the painting on Friday, and she described it as “death exultant”, striking me as an apt expression for the rock star figure I’m making.

I’ll post photos tomorrow, when I’ve put the same treatment down on the right side.

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Wing thing

IMG_0692At last I’m back in the studio working on the angel of death. I used a long lining brush to paint the details of the arm bones, then my fingers to smudge in shadows around the bones and into the surface of the wings. I’m building the surface of the wing way darker than it will end up, in a Van Dyke brown that will take a glaze of Zinc white and pop forward while leaving the textures that I’ve laid in with a towel rag. 

I’ve been sketching for the afterlife piece, which I think I have nailed down now, having morphed from a suspended figure in the void to a fairly small circle with a male and female pair laying entwined with each other in a yin yang arrangement. I think I know who to get to model for it, so I hope to get moving with this piece pretty soon.

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I delivered two paintings, Prophet of the Apocalypse, and Amelia Beheads the Alchemical King, to the High Studio in Moorpark where they’re going to be part of the Warrior exhibit there. There’s to be an opening reception at the studio to which I warmly invite you, particularly students from my new classes at CLU.


Artists’ Reception Friday Sept. 11, 7pm-9:00pm




HIGH STUDIO, 11 East High Street, Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 523-7957

Hours: Monday through Friday 9am-5pm, Closed Saturday & Sunday 

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A second day of eye photography

Derek came over again this morning and we spent a pleasant morning shooting video of more people’s eyes for the “Eyes of My Ancestors” project. The due date has moved to the 1st November, so I have a little welcome extra time to prepare the edited version of the piece. With the new semester beginning and lots to figure out for the Art department and for my own classes I’m very happy to  have a bit of leeway for the project. We noticed the great variety of faces, from the  simple proportion of the eyes to the length of the nose, and the surprising amount of character that could be conveyed through simple movements and gestures; the blinking and fluttering of eyelids, the wrinkling of smiles and frowns.

Here in Thousand Oaks we can see enormous smoke clouds to the East of us towering over the San Fernando Valley, casting an apocalyptic shadow upon the landscape. It’s dramatic and frightening when these fires happen, especially when they come close to the city to threaten homes and lives, even when we live at a safe distance from the fires, where the slow air carries delicate ash and pungent bonfire smoke of burnt sagebrush far from the whip of flames on mountainsides.

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Amelia reaching conclusion


Applying a blue glaze over the stones has isolated Amelia, the head (with blood) and the orb as the brightest things in the painting. I’m pretty satisfied with this today, and can’t do much more to it because on Monday it has to travel to Moorpark in preparation for the Warriors exhibit.

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