The duality of angels

Here’s the beginning – the duality of the pairing of the angels of life and death. How much more complete can opposition be than two squares, one completely black, one completely white?

I understand that there can’t be any true duality because there’s always a relationship between the two, the shades of good and evil, the grey shadows between light and dark, but there are clearly extremes of each side. I plan to bring elements of the opposing side into each of these paintings to soften the duality.

Both of the panels are gessoed and will be ready by tomorrow for the first drawing to go on, so it’s time to get committed to the angel of death. I’ve made arrangements to shoot photos for the angel of life on Tuesday afternoon. 

I’m still looking for really fabulous angel wings or a taxidermy swan with outspread wings.


About pearce

Michael Pearce is an artist, writer, and professor of art. He is the author of "Art in the Age of Emergence."
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