Bombers xiii

Another less than perfect morning in the studio, but I did do some editing of the shape of the head, the shoulder and the knee which I’ll keep. He should probably get an ear sometime, or he’ll be a perpetual Van Gogh. Being deaf to the universe is not the allegory I’m trying to get over in this one. The face is still not right and I expect to rework that fairly soon, but it’s better than it was. The work I did today will add variety to the surface of the paint in the end, even if I change it radically.

It’s really a drag to be in a slow patch like this. The only solution I know is to keep working and get through it. It can get you down, but you have to keep working.

I think painters get “painter’s block” just as writers get their block, but I don’t want to indulge it. I’m nearly forty three, so I can expect to paint for another 27 years unless I get hit by a bus or perish in some other accident. At the rate I paint now I complete about four big paintings a year if I work hard, so I should be able to finish 108 more large scale pieces by the time I die, if I do happen to make it to my three score and ten years. That’s not much! When I crashed that car eleven years ago it was made abundantly clear to me how easily we can go, and how important it is to make this life worth while. For me, making paintings and teaching other people how to do it are what I need to do in order to live a fulfilling life and play my role in making the world a better place. The bottom line is to keep working, hell or high water.

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Bombers xii

I went to Camarillo to pick up the sculptures from the gallery and put them into the studio so Bert can see them alongside the paintings. As I think I have already said, I intend to start introducing images from the sculptural work into the 2d work right away, starting with Bombers, so the sculptural world and the painted world become one. I like this idea, as it rationalizes the two methods of expressing the same ideas into one combined universe and will bring unity to what might have seemed to be two bodies of work, separated by their media. Personally I’m more interested in reviving or creating a world of prehistoric ideals in contemporary times.

I think this can also work in the opposite direction, and I could start using the situations and things in the paintings in order to inspire sculptural or performance elements.

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Bombers xi

The dark spaces in between are most important in the early stages of a painting, the way I like to make them, anyway. I lay down the shapes of the dark shadows and work out from them, upward toward light. As such, this way of painting can be seen as the bastard child of alchemy, which is ultimately the spiritual process of burning away the dross and progressing towards the light through a series of transformations.

I’m in a pretty dark mood these days. 

I painted more of the dark shadows between the slabs on the ground, which makes the circle feel like it’s floating, which I will fix later by adding the missing shadows of the stick, the figure of the hermit and the objects. The stones will also need shadows on the ground if they are to be convincing.

In landscapes the further back you get, the greyer and more soft-focussed things become, this applies to the shadows here. I’ll make the foreground shadows far crisper than the ones that are further back in the picture so that the illusion of depth is given.

I’m not particularly thrilled with my drawing of the hermit figure. I think I’ll have to spend a day playing with the construction of the legs in particular. 

I will also need to move the coins slightly so that they are on the correct line between the lantern (which I rediscovered in my garage today after a brief search) and the hole in the black monolith.

By the way, the black and white stones are associated with the Priestess, but not Boaz and Jachin.

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Dream herbs

I’ve been interested in herbs for a long time, making my own tinctures and using them as medicine. Recently I started looking into herbs that encouraged dreaming, being particularly interested in dreams as source material for paintings. Here are a few that are supposed to work well, please be sure to check that you do your own research before using any of them – know your herbs so that you don’t poison yourself!

Datura – these are the white flowers that grow in roadside ditches. Pick a few flowers and bring them into your room when you sleep. DO NOT EAT THEM OR MAKE A TEA FROM THEM unless you are prepared to be unconscious in a visionary trance for a day or two, or dead.

Brugmansia, the Angel Trumpet that grows nicely in Southern California has similar properties to Datura. Again, DO NOT INGEST this plant. Placing the flowers in your bedroom as you sleep is said to produce strong dreams.

A Nicotine patch on your skin at night will give you vivid dreams. Try a small piece of the patch first if you don’t smoke, or it will make you feel ill. Quite effective, gives potent dreams.

Fresh Valerian root will act as a tranquilizer and make you sleep. It smells like old socks. Grind the fresh whole root. Smelly but effective.

Calea Zacatechichi is supposed to give you divinatory dreams when drunk as a tea before bed. I haven’t tried this yet. It has a bitter and horrid taste.

Vitamin B is excellent for dreaming; I’ve had great success with this. Simply take a capsule before sleeping. I suspect that drinking milk with it stops it from working.

A good friend tells me that she sprinkles artemisia wormwood on her pillow before sleeping and shows up in other people’s dreams prophesying future events! 

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Camarillo – A New Cabinet

The New Cabinet exhibit at the Camarillo State University closes today. I’ll take it apart on Monday afternoon and store it away. The next show is in September at the Kwan Fong gallery at CLU in Thousand Oaks. It’s a nice tall space, so I hope to have some fun with motors there. I’ll be showing the two recently completed paintings and the Bombers piece if I can finish it in time.

I’ve been reading a well researched study of the history of the Rosicrucian orders by Christopher McIntosh titled The Rosicrucians. The more I learn about this elusive order, the more I like it. The story begins in early seventeenth century Germany with the publication of the Fama and the Confessio Fraternitatis, both documents calling for reformation of the world and the overthrow of the corrupt church. There is a strong gnostic theme in the philosophy of the documents, which claim that the brotherhood of the rose cross have secret and powerful knowledge.

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As the crow flies viii

five squares

When I realized that I was getting sick today (which explains why my painting has been crappy for a couple of days) I had a choice: Either stop painting for a while and go home and watch a movie, or use the down time to prepare for the future. So I got down to gessoing the canvas I stretched yesterday and those panels I had cut a week or two ago. I got five done with what remained in the can, then really had enough and went home.

I’m thinking that the five panels can be arranged in a pattern that uses 1.62 as the construction of the painting that goes on them, but that each panel relates to each other.

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Bombers x

Because of technical difficulties at the old site the blog will be here at from now on. Please bookmark it. 

I worked on the hermit in Bombers, painting a velatura skin and emphasizing the shadows between the rocks in the lake bed area. I think he’s wearing blue jeans, as many of my figures seem to be doing these days. Denim is a breeze to render on a well drawn en grisaille, because beneath a blue glaze the grey and white is so completely right for the bleached out fade of an old pair of jeans. I get a lot of pleasure from painting these simple things.

Bombers hermit gets a skin

Why should we be ruled by the movement of planets? Astrology is bunk, right? But when I consider the profound effects of three of the planets upon all of us, I find myself prepared to have an open mind about the practice. The rotation of the earth clearly orders the seasons and powerfully affects our lives; the sun keeps us alive by providing heat, growing crops and governs the day and night; the movements of the moon are powerful enough to move oceans. We can witness the procession of the zodiac before us in the sky, so the motion of the heavens is both powerful and present.

The alchemists were convinced that the microcosmic life of man ran in conjunction with the motions of the heavens and sought out the laws of the universe in order to better understand the mind of God.  In the slow dance of the planets, they saw that the laws of physics govern not only the cosmos, but the lives of men. 


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Moving to

Tonight I’m beginning posting to my Gilded Raven site where I have unlimited space and I’ll continue posting there with pictures from now on.

The blog address will be at Please bookmark it. I’ll move all the posts from here over to the blog’s new home as soon as possible. 

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I had a terrible time painting today! Nothing went right and I ended up wiping away what I had done. (Thank goodness oil paint is so forgiving.) I stretched a new 48″ by 72″ canvas ready for new work. I’ll do some gesso tomorrow, both on this big canvas and on the multitude of panels waiting for some attention.

I woke up this morning and meditated for a while, drifting into one of those lovely lucid dream  states. I found myself in a doorway of a darkened street, facing a door. A beautiful Indian lady in a sari and with a red dot on her forehead walked past me accompanied by a shadowy man and I turned to her and asked if she would help me open this door. She laughed gently and said “Of course, but you are standing in the way” and walked on.

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The Golden Bowl xi


I painted a beautiful face for the girl on the lower left of the painting today, then for some reason decided that it wasn’t quite right and wiped it away. This was an error because for the next twenty minutes my work sucked, and I couldn’t get the face right again. However, I had worked on this fellow earlier, so the day wasn’t a total loss, and I’m pleased with the way he’s turning out. As I develop the flesh and background you’ll see the more linear edges disappear, but for now they’re good indications of transitions. 

I’ll spend some time working on a second velatura flesh layer to improve the basis of the face. My initial sweep at it missed his chin, so I’m redefining things at this stage. It’s coming along nicely.

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