d d d drum

I spent the day learning how to make drums, stretching goat skin over a cut gourd. I don’t particularly want to make gourd drums, but I’m interested in the possibilities offered by making large drums from metal objects like oil drums and cooking pots. My kids and I had a great time.

Back at the studio I added some detail to the stones, which are getting quite colourful, then stacked the ravens up ready for installation in a week or so. (The studio is bumping with music by Michael Franti, who I’m really enjoying.) It’s nice to have the space tidy and open, it makes everything feel lighter somehow. It also gives us more room for yoga in the early morning, which is increasingly important to me. 

A little more work on the hand and I’m done for now with Amelia! Justice and Temperance are crying out for attention, and I need to gesso the two tall canvases that Teddy gave me. While I was at her house picking them up, Teddy said, “Wait, I have something for you”, and handed me her husband Joe’s studio jacket that he always wore. (He passed away a few months ago.) It was so moving to be given this gift. I liked Joe – he was a real gentleman, so to wear his jacket will always remind me of him.

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Amelia’s Feet










Amelia’s feet are progressing well, and I’ve added a shadow to the ground to her right so she touches the ground. I added some shadows and details to the rocks, and will continue bringing colour into the surfaces of these stones. I added the words “Solve et Coagula” (Dissolve and coagulate) very faintly to the sword blade, as this is the alchemical motto to continue with the repeated purification of the element as the alchemist searches for the one thing. I left it almost invisible so that it becomes one of the secrets of the painting that will be noticed by the attentive eye. I think people love to know secrets about works of art, and I love providing them. 

I’ve done some work to the hand, bringing some more effective flesh tones to the skin, which had become a bit lifeless. It will need some drawing to fix it up properly now, so I’ll break out the burnt sienna next to fix edges and define the shapes of the fingers more effectively. 

Right now I’m heading out for some lunch, camera in hand so that I can get some reference pictures of people eating for the Temperance painting. 

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Finishing things

I’m in the studio, trying to get re-organized for the new year. I laid down the panel with the ravens so that I could see how it all looked together and climbed a ladder to shoot this picture for reference so that I can install the Gilded Raven piece in Chris’ home. I also took a look at the orb in the Amelia painting, which I’m finally happy with, with the blue glow off setting the cadmium orange centre nicely. I’m moving into the hand and feet now, hoping to finish this piece off today.

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Even more ravens

After I dropped the children back at their home I visited the studio to clean up a little and decided that I might as well finish a few dozen additional panels that I had made for the large version of the As the Crow Flies Piece. When I had it installed on the big wall at the Kwan Fong Gallery I thought that it would be wonderful to create a lot of smaller birds to go on the edges of the main piece, so I made and gilded these while I was making Chris his version. So, these will dry over the next week, then be ready for addition to the installation in the Brand Gallery in May as an even bigger version of the work.

Sunrise tomorrow will be the first day that the sun has perceptibly moved for a week while the solstice took place. We are moving towards spring now.

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I spent much of the day in my car driving to pick up my kids who are spending the day with me in Santa Barbara, the best city in all of Southern California, then heading over to the studio to meet Chris, who I invited to come and see the ravens laid out on the floor to give him some idea of what it will look like installed. He brought his wife Trudy to see it too. They were both thrilled, which was wonderful! It seems that we’re going to install the piece in the beginning of January which will give it plenty of time to dry properly, which has been worrying me. Even now some of the paint is still tacky and fragile, so another week in the warmth of the studio will give the pieces more time to cure and set up properly. 

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Ravens’ roost


Busy times creating Chris’ Gilded Ravens piece, but with very satisfying results. I felt more like a cobbler than an artist today, spending several hours sitting at a table fixing hanging clips onto the back of my birds (no handy helpers available today to make many hands make light work) and getting them ready to take to his home to install. Once I had finished with this task I painted  the outline of his wall on the studio floor so I could try to get the arrangement of the birds roughed out, as you can see in the second picture. The main panel (first photo) goes in the bottom left corner of the spread of birds. I like the slightly blurry quality of the tree, achieved by using a large dry soft badger hair blending brush moving left and right only. The birds rising from the tree start out more blurry so that they are more distant, then become harder edged so that they will join with the individuals that hang alone. 

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Have a great solstice day, everyone. Here we are at the turning point of the year: warmth, springtime and relief returning as the days grow longer. 

A couple of days ago I shot pictures of one of my students for the Indian Lady portraits, with lighting from above and her hair spread out around her head as she lay on the floor. I’m not entirely pleased with the results though, because I think she needs to be lit from behind as well so that there is a halo of light about her, but I’m sure I can easily add this in the paint. I’ll work it out when I start looking at it more seriously. I’m pretty excited to get started on the project.

The gilded ravens piece is drying in the studio, and I’ve made arrangements with Chris to install it on Wednesday. Monday I have to get to the studio to finish the tree panel and get all of the pieces ready for hanging, then lay out the composition on the floor. I asked Chris if he would like to join me to get the arrangement figured out; I think he’ll enjoy being involved in the creative process.

I’ve been enjoying a couple of days to take care of buying a few clothes and a couple of gifts, so there’s not much to report from the studio. We’re staying in a small apartment in Santa Barbara for the holiday week, with not much space for painting, but I think I can get a start on the Indian lady here. Mitchell and I need to get together to start talking about the Peaches piece, so I must make arrangements with him to get together, and find the time to read the script in its present form.

In direct contrast to the commercial nature of the season I’m continuing to reflect upon the material end result of my creative practice: painted panels, canvases and sculpture. On the face of it the products conflict with my desire to reject material culture and pursue a spiritual path that avoids materialism. I talked to my friend and advisor Dave Mavity about this problem, and he pointed out the difference between the Western and the Eastern mystery tradition – in the East the practice of divesting oneself of material is still a respected part of society, whereas in the West it has become part of the almost forgotten old ways of the traditional church in the form of monastic life, so it is extremely difficult to practice this way of being. Divesting myself of material seems to have reached an impasse, and perhaps that’s okay – perhaps I’m where I should be. Making and teaching art is what my service is, and lead people toward both a creative and spiritual life, my books feed my mind and art, and I have to wear something to keep warm (although I do like the idea of wearing a robe and sandals). I wonder if I can get rid of my car, but I think that it would be very hard to live without transportation in Southern California. 

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The Meditating Indian Lady

Here’s the sketch of the Indian lady in her latest manifestation. The drawing doesn’t really give you a sense of the height of the framework supporting the panels, which I imagine would be about fifteen feet.

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Gilded ravens

When I laid down the gold on the panels I didn’t gild the edges, so they remained a very bright red from the undercoat. The red looks fabulous as it sneaks a peek out from beneath the gold where there are faults or cracks, but the edges were really too strong, so I painted them, then touched up the black birds that I painted yesterday. I have almost all of the panels completed now, but have yet to retouch the edges of five larger pieces and to paint the acacia tree from which the birds will emerge. It’s going to be a good piece of work when it’s complete, and I’m happy with the way its going. If the panels ever dry completely I’ll be able to install the piece next week in Chris’s home. I’ll post pictures later.

I think I mentioned the dream of the Indian lady who laughed when I asked her to open the doorway in a dark alleyway, and said that she would, but I was in the way. She showed up again a couple of times since then in my dreams, once when she was standing in a place resembling a parking lot, and called out to me “meditate, now!”, and again when I was meditating and searching for her, when her face appeared on a sculpture that appeared to me. The sculpture is a tall work made of three high structures that rise up fifteen feet or so, with three painted panels at the top, angled so that people on a balcony can see them. The first face, on the left side, is the Indian lady with her eyes closed, meditating. In the second she has her eyes open and is awake, and the third portrait shows her with her eyes closed but her third eye, in the centre of her forehead has opened. 

In order to make the piece I will need to shape some birch wood into curves, then make them stable with some rods. The panels will be fairly easy to make, simply boxed in mitred birch planks which will hold the legs in place. I’ve sketched the piece, but I don’t have my camera here, so I’ll post a picture of the drawing later.

I’m meeting Mitchell Thomas this afternoon in Santa Barbara to visit the venue for a new piece of theatre he’s directing. He asked if I would like to design the objects and lighting that the actors will use during the performance. I don’t enjoy doing regular theatre design much, but I love to work with experimental performance, which this piece will be. I did a show with Mitch before, called “Reckless”, and we had a great time, so I’m really optimistic that this will be equally fun to do, and result in some good work.

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