Some handy comparative measurements for drawing a face.
The eyes are at the centre of the head.
There are roughly five eye widths across the face in a full face portrait.
Roughly four eye widths will be the same as the distance from the eyeline to the crown of the head.
Roughly four eye widths will be the same as the distance from the eyeline to the chin.
The hairline is roughly half way between the eyeline and the crown of the head.
The distance from the hairline to the middle of the eyebrows is equal to the distance between the middle of eyebrows and the bottom of the nose at the septum.
Remember to check the width of th enose and the shape of the bottom of the nose.
There are no lines on the side of your nose.
The centre line of the mouth is the one one that really matters.
Remember the dimples at the corners of the mouth.
Don’t try to draw individual hairs.
I’ll add some more of these later. Pretty handy stuff.