
I’m really feeling the pressure of time upon me these days, so I want to work with speed and accuracy without sacrificing quality. Consequently the work is getting looser and more brush-strokes are visible, at least at this stage, although I’m painting into a wet white ground, dragging the Raw Umber into a white surface to create soft blends of grey. I see problems in the face that I will need to correct later as a result of working quickly, but I’m enjoying the challenge I’ve set myself to move more quickly – it gives me a self-conscious decisiveness about the gestures that leaves the sensation of speed in the work, which is quite appropriate for the Emperor in his wobbling chair.

I’m increasingly interested in the narrative offered by the painting as an allegory for the supremacy of natural philosophy over materialism. As I continue with the work I’ll introduce symbols that will make this more apparent.

I’m searching for some young deer’s antlers to add to the sides of the head of the green woman who sits at the bottom of the painting. I want to emphasize the shamanic quality of the character and to emphasize her connection to the natural world. If anyone happens to have any that I can have, I would really appreciate hearing from you!

About pearce

Michael Pearce is an artist, writer, and professor of art. He is the author of "Art in the Age of Emergence."
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