I took poor Amelia’s face off with some fine grit sandpaper. The eye was in the wrong place, the nose was hopeless, so she’s temporarily faceless. Not to worry, I quickly rebuilt her structure, at least the en grisaille layer, getting ready for  rehabilitation. This is a little rough, but will clean up nicely later. Steve Mahr came to visit yesterday and asked me if other painters work like this, constantly correcting and changing what they do, which left me at a loss for an answer. I have no idea how other painters paint, except for the work of one or two friends, but even with them I don’t really see their work progress day to day.
One of the things I love about this blog is that I can look at the work I’ve done and see where it’s leading. I’m able to plan the next days work wherever I am (as long as there’s wi-fi!). Looking at this grey layer now, with the benefit of lunch and a short walk separating me from the painting, I see that there’s still a problem with the nose, so I’ll be able to adjust it when I return to the studio right away.
Bah, this is something I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and do for my painting of Kelly. I haven’t touched a paintbrush in quite some time….that’s going to have to change.
Also, let me know some of the details about that Easel you mentioned.