I’ve continued with the marble, adding a soft glaze of Iron Oxide Red around the breaks between the slabs, ragging off and lining the cracks, letting the rusty colour dry, then re-lining the cracks with Raw Sienna, softening the line with my finger, then re-establishing it inconsistently along the seam. Using a OO Silver brand script lining brush for the fine lines. I think I’ll need to apply a cool glaze of Ceramic White with a touch of cobalt blue in it, then bright Titanium White highlights to finish this off.
I’ve also put down the first layer on two more of the girls’ faces and based in their hair, realizing in the process that I’ve painted the first two with too much shadow, reverting to the chiaroscuro I used to do when I was deeply enamored of paintings by Caravaggio. I really want to pay attention to a lighter worldview, having spent a long time studying darkness. My  shadows need to become lighter.