I spent a couple of hours cutting the poplar to size and building three of the ten boxes I need for the installation. I am NOT a good carpenter, so it takes me a long time to get these things made. It’s six o’clock and I’m making stupid mistakes now, so I’m stopping, moving into the office to read my encyclopedia of alchemy and relaxing for a while. It’s about time for a drop of that french wine I have stowed in the fridge, now that I think of it.
I’m getting increasingly interested in the relationship between alchemy and early tarocchi playing cards and keep finding images in the encyclopedia that correspond to the images found on the early cards. I bought a well known book, The Tarot Cards Painted by Bonifacio Bembo for the Visconti-Sforza Family – An Iconographic and Historical Study by Moakley Gertrude that relates the cards to a procession of triumphs, and wonder if these neo-platonic images are related to each other. The book’s almost impossible to find any more, being long out of print.