There was a great deal of administrative stufff to take care of this morning that ate up most of my time, but this afternoon I got to the studio and got a good chunk of work done, particularly dedicated to the production of black birds on the completed panels. There are seventy six panels in total, of a great variety of sizes, and twenty one still need crows on them, but I’m increasingly worried about the birds being too similar. I’ve been making alterations to them as I paint them, making them individual, but I want to have a close look at the picture resources I have and see if I can find fifteen more pictures that will help to complete the composition. I’m seriously tempted to take what I have up to the gallery and lay it out on the floor so I can make sure my composition is working out ok. I can go upstairs to the balcony and see how the installation will take shape, and create the remaining birds accordingly.
I should be able to finish the painting work on this project on Monday if I can satisfy myself that the birds are individual enough to avoid a repetitive pattern.