I painted the Empress’ morning glory flowers blue this morning, but otherwise didn’t get much work done, spending a lot of time thinking about how the painting goes forward from this point and fiddling with cleaning brushes and tidying the studio. I stayed up too late last night after a busy and productive day, waking up grumpy and tired – not good for continuing effectively with the work.
There’s a lot of work yet to do on flesh and detail, but first I’d like to get the foliage complete on both sides of the painting.
Although I didn’t do much to the Empress, I got the Magician figure drawing mostly laid in, working in blue so I can see it more clearly from a distance. She’ll be in a desert landscape pretty soon, which I want to work out quite carefully because I want the rocks on the ground to echo the shapes of the clouds in the sky. She reminds me of characters found on Harry Potter sets.