Jason and I worked hard today installing the show, with great success. It’s really coming along nicely, with most of the lights on the tree, most of the gravel down and the paintings in place and half way hung. I’ve used the boxes for displaying artefacts as if they had been removed on an archaeological dig, while the smaller hanging pieces are dispersed among the paintings, which look fantastic now that they’re hung together all on the same long wall with plenty of distance to step back and see them. The tarot paintings look really bright and strong, and I’m pleased with the way they look in their black frames. The tree is coming together, still needing the Christmas tree lights on two branches, then I can wrap them in the fabric and get John to work on installing the distillation equipment. I’m really looking forward to getting this part of the installation going, because the tree is so central in the gallery and will be such a focal point when the apparatus is bubbling away.
Photos by Jason Nguyen